Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What's your Opinion

As a photographer, I’m asked on occasion to critique and give an UN-biased opinion on someone’s work. If you are like me I hate to critique my own work since I’m my own worst critic. I have come up with a grading system that allows me to cover every technical aspect of a captured image and score it objectively. As Ancel Adams said: “There is no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs”   If you find yourself in this situation be sure to ask the photographer what  the category this would represent if its not evident and what caption would be appropriate. This will help you get a mind set on what the photographer was thinking when the picture was taken.
So if you find yourself in a situation were your asked to give an opinion about another photographers work, just remember that people are sensitive to criticism. Be truthful, but show a little compassion and be diplomatic. It’s not what you say its how you say it.

Answer each question about the image you are trying to evaluate and score it from zero to 10 then add up your score.

1. SUBJECT MATTER- Best reflects the Theme, Title and Category   0-10
2. IMPACT- The “WOW” factor, a combination of Light, Color, Lens Choice, Angle or Perspective, Timing, Compositional Relationships, Etc    0-10
3. CREATIVITY- The combination of subject, camera and lighting techniques in unison   0-10
4. STYLE- A personal touch that is unique and stands out.  0-10
5. COMPOSITION-  The placement of the visual elements of attention within its surroundings.  0-10
6. CENTER OF INTEREST- Must be definitive in relation to its surroundings. 0-10
7. COLOR BALANCE- Creative use of complimentary colors  0-10
8. LIGHTING- Creative use lighting and shadows   0-10
9.  INNOVATIVE- Creative use of camera placement and angles.  0-10
10. TECHNIQUE- The unique combination of all the above.  0-10

Score each question from ONE to TEN then add them up
100-95 EXCEPTIONAL, You might want to get a second opinion..
94-90 SUPERIOR, You are thinking quite highly of your skills as a photographer
89-85 EXCELLENT, Now you are starting to be somewhat realistic.
84-80 VERY GOOD, deserving of merit, your starting to scare the Big Boys
79-76 GOOD, Almost but not quite
75-74 AVERAGE, Keep experimenting, it’s going to get better
73-70 FAIR, I should have left the camera at home.
69-0   Don’t Despair, keep on trying.